New TLD Revenue Projections
New TLD Revenue Projections need to properly reflect domain volumes.
First year considerations:
- Sunrise
- Landrush
- Market penetration
Basic right. So in the first year you could say ‘We’re going to have 100 people buying our .TBA”.
So you might think 100 = 100 multiplied by your sales price. Seems straight-forward but there is a catch.
- Do you offer multiple year purchases i.e. can I purchase a domain for five-year?
- Do you offer a discount for multiple years?
So if you have 100 registrations and 10% are multiple years with a discount your sales revenue changes.
You now have:
- 1 year registrations – 90 x price
- 2 year registrations – (% of 2 year registrations) x price – discount for each year(s)
- etc.
That’s year one for new TLD revenue projections but now, lets move to year two.
Year Two
Now for year two on wards, your volume needs to be a part of your new registrants plus your renewals. So if you have 200 new registrants in year 2, you don’t simply have a total of 300 sales. You have:
- 200 for new registrants in year 2 plus
- 100 x % of people who renew i.e. maybe only 40% of year 1 new domain registers want to renew.
Of course, you than have to calculate the impact on the year 2 renewals through your multiple year sales and discounts.
Bottom line, don’t forget the impact on your revenues from those domain renewals and the impact of discounts.